
''About IT''

it keeps holding on to me.
it sorounding me with darkness.
It takes away the joy from life.
All the energy i had left,
has it taken from me with it's sharp claws.
The energy is being sucked to it,
like a ile suck blood.
It dresses up with my live,
carring it around like a triumf.
The interest for everything around me,
whispering away.
it is replacing it with sadness and careless feelings.
My feelings are wragged in gloom.
Fills all my days, all my nights. 
Follow me around like a fucking shadow.
It is my bad half, my sick half.
makes everyday long and confusing.

It takes  away my will for life,
makes me so scared that i cant even fight.

Gives me suicidal mind, scars on the soul.
Do thoughts vague and nebulous,

makes me loose my fucking focus.
Denies my the ability to handle the peopel around me,
the ability to handle the life.

Fills me up with torments,
so theres no place for nothing ells.
Takes my feelings away,
replace it with emptyness!
Grab me in its cold, hard grip,
keep holding on to me,
and never letting me be free,

fill's my broken heart with despar,
my soul with coldness and sorror.

Feels like hell on eart!
agonizing, painful, eternal

I am a part of it,
and it is a part of me
- inevitably linked together..

Depression, takes me in the cold crap,
i am bagging you!
please, dissappears and stay away,
please, set me free!

- Léna